We are excited to announce the latest release of Corrensa, which will add a lot of value for every single user. Some of the new features introduced include multi sender/recipient lookup, improved email linking, comments, uploading/downloading documents, updates, redesigned configuration panel and much more!
That being said, the latest upgrade requires an extension to be installed on your VTiger. The extension is needed to accommodate the latest changes as well as improve the user experience.
*The extension was built according to VTiger development standards and does not modify VTiger core files or database, basically – it is safe to install.
The process is very simple and only takes less than a minute.
You must login after the installation – once you log in, VTiger & Corrensa will reconnect and you will be ready go.
If you are using Outlook Plugin – you will need to download latest version.
Outlook Plugin link: https://www.corrensa.com/corrins/production/setup.exe
If you are using Gmail/Office 365 – you will not need to download or update Google Chrome extension (it’s automatic).
If you run into any issues or have any questions – feel free to contact us at [email protected]